Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 45: The Big News Roundup!



BIG NEWS! Because our Kenta Shinohara podcasts were delayed we didn’t get around to covering a lot of important news from the past couple months. To remedy that, we decided to record a big news-focused podcast to get everyone up to speed! …This was a big bad idea. We accumulated nearly twelve pages worth of news, tallying to over one hundred stories in total! To make matters worse, we began recording late at night after I was already exhausted from drawing for nearly 20 hours that day. Thanks to a spotty internet connection, we ended up needing two recording sessions and over four hours of rough audio to cover everything we wanted to. Needless to say, recording this was a tiring process. You can definitely hear the exhaustion in my voice by the end of this podcast, alongside Colton’s groans of impatience. Though frankly, listening back to this episode I did most of the talking, so it’s kinda funny that Colton was more vocally upset by the experience. ^^, Regardless of how frustrating the process was, this