Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 47: Jujutsu Kaisen, Noah's Notes, and Ziga



Manga Mavericks @ Movies Month is going strong! We’ve been posting new movie reviews on our Youtube channel every day and plan to do so for the entire month of May! These reviews will also be uploaded to our podcast feed just a few days afterward. I’ve just put up our Ghost in the Shell/Power Rangers podcast, a pairing of two remakes of beloved 90’s franchises that weren’t particularly well-received. Check it out and look forward to more new @ Movies podcasts popping up on our feed this month! Of course, @ Movies isn’t all we’re doing this month! We’ve got regular Manga Mavericks episodes planned too, just like the one you’re about to listen to! This week’s episode is kind of a back-to-basics affair. Both your regular Mavericks are present, there’s a normal amount of news to talk about, and we cover a few recent Jump Starts and one-shots to cap off the show! A pretty normal episode compared to the past couple of atypical entries. Honestly, the only thing that’s missing is a Bookscan list to talk about, but