Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 51: Momiji no Kisetsu and Invade You!



If you’re reading this right now, we need your help! Our supposedly good friend and regular guest Maxy Barnard was so upset we hadn’t invited him on the podcast in a while that he flew from the U.K. to the U.S., traveled cross-country to kidnap us, stuffed us both in a large grocery store plastic bag, and trapped us in a closet! Colton tried chewing through the bag, but instead, he ended up choking on it like a pigeon and is slowly coughing and suffocating to death. I’ve only just managed to rip through and break down the closet door. Maxy confiscated our phones so we couldn’t call for help, but I’ve managed to hack his laptop so I’m messaging for help before he comes ba--AAACCCKKKK!!!! … Ha ha, don’t take what my good pal Sid said seriously. He doesn’t exist anymore. Neither of them do. But I promise you we’re all having a smashing good time anyways! We’re going to talk about some Jump Starts, namely the recent two, Momiji no Kisetsu and Invade You. About time too, considering the new round of Jump Starts