Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 53: Sleepy Princess in the Shonen Sunday



This week we’re joined by the one and only Shonen Sunday stan Sakaki and all-around manga enthusiast Maxy Barnard to discuss Viz Media’s latest Sunday license - Sleepy Princess in the Demon’s Castle by Kagiji Kumanomata! Well, it was intended to be a discussion about Sleepy Princess, but with both Bomber and Maxy on board it ended up being more of a follow-up to our Shonen Sunday discussion from last year. Could this episode be the unofficial pilot of a Shonen Sunday podcast by those two? I’m not sure, but once you finish listening to the episode you’ll definitely want it to be! We discuss what’s unique and charming about this adorable fantasy comedy, and why it’s such a fun fit for both Shonen Sunday and as a new license for Viz Media. I’m not even going to bother with timecodes for this episode because it’s so all over the place, so you better listen through it beginning to end. Trust me - you’ll laugh and learn a lot! Oh, and fun fact, we recorded this podcast on a Sunday and we’re releasing it on a