Manga Mavericks

@ Movies #18: Dunkirk, Kingsman, and Victoria & Abdul



Welcome back to Manga Mavericks @ Movies, the only movie podcast that waits over a year after recording to release an episode! Well, 2018 is almost over and I still have 13 episodes of @ Movies recorded in 2017 I still haven't released, so let's see if I can get at least some of those out before the year is up. We're starting off with a triple threat of British-based films this week as LumRanmaYasha and VLordGTZ talk about Dunkirk, Kingsman: The Golden Circle, and Victoria & Abdul. Yes, literally the only reason these reviews are paired together in this episode is that they are all about British people and characters so I thought I'd lump them together. Still, as tenuous the thread connecting these films is, each review is quite a lot of fun with some great jokes throughout, so I'll think you'll have a good time! Did we think Dunkirk deserved to win Best Sound Design at the Oscars? Was Kingsman: The Golden Circle really that bad a sequel? Was Victoria & Abdul a disgustingly offensive whitewashing of h