Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks @ Movies #21: Loving Vincent and Coco



Welcome back to Manga Mavericks @ Movies, the only movie podcast that releases what was supposed to be last year's Thanksgiving special on Halloween! I mean hey, you can argue these films also fit the Halloween spirit. I mean, Coco is about skeletal ghosts and the underworld and Loving Vincent is a murder-mystery thriller. They fit the aesthetic and mood, I think.   Well, as you can tell, this week we're discussing Loving Vincent and Coco, two of the Best Animated Picture contenders at last year's Academy Awards! Those who've listened to our Oscars podcast from earlier this year should already know our general opinions of these films, and our full reviews of these features go more in-depth into what makes them so artistically excellent! Until VLord starts ranting about why he hates Disney and why the Oscars' Best Animated Feature award is rigged in their favor denying accolades to far superior films. Things get so heated that at one point VLord threatens to quit the podcast! Hey, maybe this podcast is scary