Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks @ Movies #22: Black Butler and Fairy Tail



So, what are we reviewing this week on @ Movies? Weird live-action adaptations of anime franchises? Boring/offensive historical films set in the U.K.? Visually inventive and emotionally poignant french animated films? Maybe some more Oscar-nominated animated films that will make VLord rant about how the Oscars are bullshit and how much he hates Disney again? No, on this episode of Manga Mavericks @ Movies we review...anime movies? Whoa, who would have thunk that the Manga Mavericks would review anime films on their movie podcast? How bizarre.  But yes, for the first time in over a dozen episodes we're actually reviewing honest-god anime films on the show. Well, we released the Kabaneri review a few weeks ago, but this time both films on this episode are anime films. That's not where their simmilarities end either. Both are A-1 pictures film adaptations of popular long-running shonen franchises that were licensed and released in U.S. theatres by FUNimation in the summer of 2017, with Black Butler screening to