Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks @ Movies #28: Thor: Ragnarok



So, Aquaman is in theatres. It’s a film about the buff bearded prince of a high-fantasy, regal realm separate from the world of man, who has to fight his evil brother, reclaim the throne, and protect his people and humankind. Huh. Doesn’t that remind you of someone else? Another superhero from another comic-book based cinematic universe perhaps? Who could it be? Such a mystery… Ok, seriously, Aquaman is the Thor of DC. Except the Aquaman film’s swashbuckling tone is more similar to Thor: Ragnarok than the first two overly serious Thor movies. So what better time to release our review of Thor: Ragnarok! How’s that for a justification of why this podcast is coming out a year late? Enjoy the show, and follow us on twitter at @manga_mavericks, on tumblr at, and now on Youtube! You can also follow LumRanmaYasha at @lumranmayasha, VLordGTZ at @VLordGTZ, and special guest Vix at @vixythevaliant. Don’t forget to also like and subscribe to us on Youtube and iTunes and leave us reviews to h