Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks @ Movies #31: The Best Movies of 2017!



It’s a New Year, and as they say, out with the old and in with the new! Manga Mavericks @ Movies has been stuck in 2017 for the entirety of 2018, but today we’re wiping our slate clean by sharing our final thoughts on the films of that year! Back in March of last year we recorded and released our Oscars podcast, discussing what they thought were the best films of 2017. During our recording of that episode we also discussed what our favorite films of 2017 were, but we cut that segment out of the episode so that we could finish it in time for the night of the Oscars. Now, having finally released all our unreleased podcasts we recorded from 2017, it’s finally time to release this episode and reveal our favorite films of that year! Both VLord and I share our individual top six favorite films, together comprising a top eleven total! But wait, shouldn’t six plus six equal a top twelve? Well, as it turns out, our number one favorite film of 2017 was the same! Which film was so good that we both couldn’t resist listi