Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks @ Movies #33: Oscars 2019 Predictions!!



Today’s the day where Hollywood’s elites gather to celebrate the films that make them feel the most superior while begrudgingly throwing a bone to the films your average joe actually likes to appease ABC’s need to have eyeballs on screen to sell commercial space at higher prices! That’s right, it’s the Oscars! The 91st Academy Awards has been riddled with ridiculous and hilarious mishaps all year long, from the aborted popular film category to replacing controversial hosts to trying to cut awards on the telecast only to recant after backlash, among other disasters! The meta misfortunes of the ceremony aside, how do the actual films stack up, and which ones should walk away with that gaudy gold statue? Just like last year, Lum and VLord recap the Oscars and what the Academy should pick as the winners if they actually voted on merit! Enjoy the show, and follow us on twitter at @manga_mavericks, on tumblr at, and subscribe to us on Youtube. You can follow the hosts on twitter at @LumR