Manga Mavericks

#Lum Squad #01: Hello, Darlings!



Hello darlings! We're the #LumSquad, a podcast hosted by @LumRanmaYasha and @ProdTally devoted to the wonderful and wacky world of Rumiko Takahashi's Urusei Yatsura! As longtime Manga Mavericks fans know, Urusei Yatsura is LumRanmaYasha’s favorite manga, and they’ve been wanting to make a podcast about it for a long time. Teamed up together with AC, the leader of Twitter’s #LumSquad and the #DailyLum, we’re starting up a new monthly podcast dedicated to discussing the series! In our inaugural episode, we introduce ourselves, our history with the series, and our thoughts on the first volume of Viz Media’s new omnibus editions of the series! Plus, we analyze the complicated character of the lecherous simpleton Ataru Moroboshi, and answer a ton of Q&As, including what episodes we’d recommend to newcomers and how…”effable” is Mendou! Let’s put weird and weird together, because space is super weird, and we’re going to talk about it! PODCAST BREAKDOWN: 00:00 - Introducing the #LumSquad! 03:40 - Meet the