Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 116: My Boss is Goofy, the Disney Character



To say times are rough would be an understatement. The pandemic has infected the anime and manga industry, affecting the production and release of several anime and manga titles. It has even taken down several once-though indomitable cons this year, including SDCC and Anime Expo. So, naturally, we’ve got to talk about all the stuff that’s either been delayed or outright canceled. Which is a real downer, man. Yet, even this pandemic can’t slow down the fast-paced world of manga, so we’ve got tons of serialization and licensing news to talk about as well. Plus, we’ve got some lighter fare including the likes of a list of manga people want to see animated, which includes a surprisingly goofy choice that I’m disappointed isn’t even Goofy-er! We’ve even thrown in a mini-review of the newest Jump series Moriking in the middle of this discussion too! So even though we’ve got some bummer news to talk about, hopefully, you’ll find this episode a humorous and hopeful romp through the latest goings-on in the always li