Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 142: "Kase-san and.... a Podcast!"



Just when you thought you polished off the last of your Thanksgiving leftovers, LGBThanksgiving concludes with one last juicy podcast stuffed full of queer manga goodness! Hope you’re hungry, because this is a big one - our retrospective of the defining yuri manga of the 2010’s, Kase-san! We couldn’t digest a series this savory by ourselves, so we invited on some yuri connoisseurs to help us devour all the gay girly goodness - TomoChoco hosts Kit and Sarah and returning guest Erica Friedman, founder of Okazu and Yuricon! Together we feast on the wonderful bounty of yuri loveliness Kase-san provides, including its resilient publication history, the sweet relationship of its central couple, its mature exploration of their libidos, how it boldly graduates them from high school to college, and so much more! Though, we also go on many tangents too, discussing an assortment of sorta related things like how much better Tokyo’s transit is compared to New York’s, the best anime to watch at the gym, dubs vs. subs, an