Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 156: "Silver Spoon"



A manga about an agricultural school? In Hiromu Arakawa’s hands, you can bet the farm we’ll be singing its praises ‘till the cows come home! Just in time for its 10th anniversary, we’re doing a retrospective on Hiromu Arakawa’s Silver Spoon, a story about a studious city boy who moves to a country farm school and beefs up to bring home the bacon! Fellow Silver Spoon fans Buggy and Kelly help us put our hands to the plow as we go whole hog on the series’ meaty themes of community and interdependence and gush over Arakawa’s hog-wild art! Plus, straight from the horse’s mouth, Buggy shares his personal experiences growing up on a farm in the midwest and visiting Hokkaido, and how he can relate to Arakawa’s detailed depictions of the agriculture industry! We also horse around with some silly tangents about the characters and the food, and what makes them so good! There's a lot to digest, so let's make hay while the sun shines and chew over why this series makes us as happy as a pig in mud! For a complete list