Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks EP. 163: futekiya Spotlight /w Emma Hanashiro



On this episode of Manga Mavericks, Colton & Lum once again invite futekiya editor-in-chief, Emma Hanashiro, onto the show, this time to read and discuss some of the titles available on the service! To start off, we discuss Hard Biscuits, a one shot from Iwasawa Midori about cars and guy searching for a good mechanic that can help him fix up and sell used cars. Afterwards, we discuss While Being Seen off by Campanella, a single volume work from Kyoyama Atsuki that is an introspective character study about a man learning to open up to people again while recovering from a particularly bad break up. Last, but certainly not least, is Yuki & Matsu from Takahashi Hidebu! A very steamy and passionate three volume series set in feudal era Japan about a lost ronin and a local village doctor who find each other and end up forming a lifelong partnership. Join us as we cover a varied selection of titles and barely scratch the surface of what futekiya has to offer! For a complete list of links and Community Shout