Insidetheboards For The Usmle, Comlex & Medical School

Reproductive with Dr. Diane Evans (Part 1) | Study Smarter Series Episode 12



In this episode, ZDoggMD / DocVader opens with some kind-ish words about the ITB podcast. (Star Wars fans delight!).  I then interview Dr. Diane Evans, a leader in the Ob/Gyn specialty boards preparation space. Anyone interested in obstetrics and gynecology should check out her site at Dr. Evans helps me deconstruct some practice USMLE Step 1 and COMLEX Level 1 repro questions (provided by the fine folks at Osmosis).  Review the podcast on iTunes or wherever you get your podcast or share with your medical friends via social media to help us spread the word! Plus, you'll be entered to win a $50 Amazon gift card. Just send your screenshot to [email protected] Also, if anyone can think of other Star Wars-related medical names, Tweet Patrick @boardsinsider. e.g. ObGynKenobi, Ob/JinErso ITB Audio Qbank and iOS Beta App The Audio Qbank by InsideTheBoards mobile app has both free and premium features and is available on both Android and iOS.  To get started, first, create a Boar