Muscle for Life

How to Lean Bulk (Maximize Muscle Gain, Not Fat)



This episode is all about lean bulking and how to do it correctly. Many people take the “dirty bulk” route, which results often results in gaining weight too quickly, unnecessary fat gain, having to cut too soon, and spinning their wheels. In this podcast, you’ll learn how to set up your diet and your training to maximize muscle growth while minimizing fat gain. Listen to this podcast to learn what lean bulking is and how to lean bulk correctly, including how to start bulking, how to make a lean bulking meal plan, how to train while bulking, and more! Timestamps: 0:00 - Try Pulse today! Go to and use coupon code MUSCLE to save 20% or get double reward points! 2:51 - What is lean bulking? 5:42 - What are the two main methods of bulking? 9:40 - Why do people choose to dirty bulk? 17:00 - How can I start lean bulking? 21:22 - How do I meal plan while lean bulking? 25:17 - How should I train while lean bulking? Mentioned on the Show: Try Pulse today! Go to