Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

235: Pair programming with Ben Orenstein & Tuple



In this episode, Kaushik goes solo and interviews Ben Orenstein. Ben is a prolific Ruby developer, an amazing conference speaker, an ardent vim-ster, and now the CEO of Tuple.Kaushik has been a big fan of Ben's work and was super stoked to talk to Ben and pick his brains on a host of topics: starting the company Tuple, pair programming in general, learning different programming languages and technology, giving better conference talks and more!This episode is chock full of wisdom from Ben. Enjoy!LinksPragmatic ProgrammerTweet: Best Android Studio Pair Programming - Tuple's Pair programming guideSpeaking for HackersTuple App - OSSBen's talks:Refactoring from Good to Great by Ben OrensteinIdea to Validation to Launch - Microconf 2019Write code faster: expert-level vimContactBen is @r00k listen to his podcast - The Art of ProductFollow @fragmentedcast or our Youtube channel@donnfelker and donnfelker (on Instagram)'s blog or @kaushikgopal (on Twitter)