Internet Marketing: Insider Tips And Advice For Online Marketing

#571 How To Create and Publish Survey-Based Research with Michele Linn, Co-Founder and Head of Strategy at Mantis Research



How do you know the right questions to ask to get the best survey responses?What's an ideal sample size for collecting survey data?How do you ensure the data you're collecting from surveys is credible?Surveys can be one of the best ways to identify thoughts, feelings, trends and topics that are critical to our business and marketing efforts. There are, however, many pitfalls in the process that can prevent you from gleaning useful and actionable insight from survey data.We must proceed with care and thoroughness and we have someone who can help!Joining me today on the podcast is Michele Linn, Co-Founder and Head of Strategy at Mantis Research. Michele helps us answer the questions above and shares her knowledge on 'How To Create and Publish Survey-Based Research'.CONNECT WITH MICHELE / MANTIS RESEARCH: ON THIS EPISODE: