Internet Marketing: Insider Tips And Advice For Online Marketing

#645 Mastering The Art of Storytelling on Podcasts, w/ Jeremy Ryan Slate, CEO of Command Your Brand



In this episode we're joined by Jeremy Ryan Slate, CEO of Command Your Brand. In addition to being CEO of one of the world's leading podcast booking agencies, Jeremy is a seasoned podcaster, having published nearly 1000 episodes of 'The Create Your Own Life Show'. He shares with us his lessons in storytelling, derived from thousands of hours spent interviewing the world's peak performers.In this episode, we discuss:Can overpreparation can kill a good story?How to use silence to your advantage in interviewsQuestions that help surface a guest's best storiesHow long does it take before the true benefits of podcasting start to pay off?How to gain trust from listenersReferenced on this episode:[Book] Unremarkable To Extraordinary by Jeremy Ryan Slate: WITH JEREMY/COMMAND YOUR BRAND: WITH SCOTT:[email protected]