The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Deirdre Kent, Global Finance - Local Response



Complimentary currencies, alternative money systems, green dollars and time banks and involvement with Transisition towns here in NZ.Why?New Zealander Deirdre Kent confronts us with an unpalatable truth. The world's money system is designed so that the money supply and hence the size of the global economy must keep on increasing exponentially or it will collapse.Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Spain, France the list goes on ...Solution?As the global economy becomes more unbalanced, the need for NZ to become very knowing on how to set up your own localised monetary system so as to keep some semblance of order and cohessivness. Deirdre Kent is also the author of the book:Healthy Money, Healthy PlanetDeveloping Sustainability through New Money SystemsThis means putting your money and energy into supportive systems too.Note no Credit Unions went under during the 2008 global economic crisis.IMAGINE, enabling yourself to earn more money to supplement your income.Everyone loves time banks and it does not matter wh