The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Dr Mike Joy: The true story of New Zealand's ecological status



Dr Mike Joy, NZ 100% Pure!  The challenges of truth telling in a commercially driven world.Note: Since the Key National Government came to power, the word 'sustainable' has been deleted from governmental and departmental vocabulary.Meanwhile ...New Zealand is currently running at 162nd in our environmental performance out of 180 countries globally.It is extremely difficult to access data on water quality in this country as it is 'locked away' from public scrutiny, even the Ministry for the Environment does not write it up for public consumption.Researchers have to spend hours and days searching out any little snippet of information that is buried in Regional Council reports, because these reports too, are filed away from community analysis.The reason for this impediment is because there is no Agency in this country that deals with such basic and important factual statistics and information and if this accumulated data was in the public domain, the Ministers involved would look so bad that the charade of 'Clea