The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Sten Linnander, Swedish Physicist, Geophysicist and Author



The Earth talking to Humanity via Sten LinnanderSten's quest in life is to understand how we can reconnect with the living world around us and take our rightful place as conscious participants in its evolution.Prior to the year 2000, Sten kept receiving messages that he refused to believe, and it took him over a decade to come to terms with the information that he wrote down, and now has published it.The challenge of not wanting to believe that the Earth (she) was actually talking, or whispering to him, caused him to question why he picked up these messages 'inside himself.'That the earths atmosphere can also be perceived as an aura and just as radio and TV waves can pass through the atmosphere from station to receiver, so can 'sensitive' people pick up information too. Most Indigenous peoples globally acknowledge animism and inherently know that rocks store information, as in crystals.That we too can program crystals ourselves when we understand certain principles that shaman and medicine healers know of AND