The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Susan Alesbury and Caroll Macy on Holistic Biofield Viewing & Toxic, Heavy Metal Cleansing



Our interview this week is with Sue Alesbury and Caroll Macy. They are both experienced natural health practitioners capable of helping with both common and difficult to treat conditions.John Coombs interviews Global Health Clinics' new Client Services Manager, Susan Alesbury on the benefits of being able to create and manage a Designer Holistic Programme not only as a curative approach but also preventative. Susan Alesbury has a business background and is also qualified in many therapeutic modalities in her own right. Her special interest is in discovering the Mind Body Spirit connection. From training with the Cross Colour Healing Association in the UK some 20 years ago, she has come full circle after recognising that healing was simply "Firefighting without looking for how the fires were being started".  Since that time, she has trained in Clinical Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Aboriginal Dreamtime, and has trained to Leadership under Tony Robbins where she learned Human Needs Psychology. Now, wi