The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Julio Bin, Brazilian Consultant, Professor and Speaker on Sustainability and Business Development



There is no PLANET B.Sustainability is not just to do with the environment, but also our culture or society, how it thinks and what it does en-masse on a daily basis. Imagine - if our society is living sustainably and we are ‘consciously’ not creating consumer waste; that all our purchases are based on quality products, for example ‘clean food’  that everything is biodegradable, on how little waste (packaging) there is, we will be making huge progress.That reducing our intake is also at the forethought of our minds, that all things are being recycled or reused and that everyone is mindful that we all are part of a ‘closing the loop’ culture our ‘knowingness’ will automatically realise that we are part of a greater whole.This holistic notion, that we are embedded in the greater dynamics of the biosphere - of us all elegantly cycling ‘through’ everything and being aligned with nature as in ‘Cradle to Cradle’ the idea promulgated by William McDonough, we will be on our way home to being more ‘at one’ with the pl