The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Marama Winder & Jon Winder on Sacred Activism & Action in Our World



In this the second programme of the Sacred Activism series with Marama Winder we explore the deeper dimensions of sacred action in our world. We are called at this time in an upwelling of positive change and transformation.The coming together of the wisdom of the feminine and masculine is a crucial link in this shift and is elegantly portrayed in this interview. Alongside Marama’s potent voice of sacred activism and the deep feminine is Jon Winder who brings in the masculine perspective of our calling to sacred service. This interview covers many aspects of what it is to involve oneself in sacred activism, from working with people, their rights, and justice for animals, the environment and our planet as a whole. What are the principles of Sacred Activeness? But first, what does the sacred mean? “Something held in high regard, something beautiful and untarnished, something considered of worth and worthy of spiritual respect, something inspiring awe.  All of these are sacred. The sacred can be described in exqu