The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Professor Paul Connett on the Dangers of Mandatory Fluoridation of our Public Water Supply



(Due to Public Concern, this is a Repeat) Are New Zealand citizens really wanting mass medication in their water supply? For years health experts have been unable to agree on whether fluoride in the drinking water may be toxic to the developing human brain. Extremely high levels of fluoride are known to cause neurotoxicity in adults, and negative impacts on memory and learning have been reported in rodent studies, but little is known about the substance’s impact on children’s neurodevelopment.

Despite many studies, the Government now appears to be planning to implement mandatory fluoridation to the whole of New Zealand. Currently, only around 50% of households are on fluoridated water, with only 23 out of 67 local councils still fluoridating, many voicing their growing concerns about fluoridation risks and dangers. In response to more and more councillors and mayors deciding against fluoridation the Government is now taking the decision away from local councils and communities and putting the power into the