The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Issac Oron and Charles Pierard - A Universal Basic Income (UBI) as a Catalyst for Global Change



Issac Oron and Charles Pierard chats with Lisa Er about the Universal Basic Income (UBI) as a Catalyst for Global Change. Have you bought into the Puritan work ethic? 
Do you think everyone should have a job? 
What happens as more work is outsourced to underdeveloped ‘cheap’ countries, and in the West increasingly robots do the work?
Why not have a “basic income” paid to every individual to cover their basic needs. The governments would pay the same amount of money to each person, regardless of whether they work. 
A Universal (or Unconditional) Basic Income acknowledges that every individual has the same unconditional right to a basic income, sufficient for them to live in dignity. 
Switzerland will vote on whether to introduce the model on June 5, 2016. This has come about by a petition which has been circulating, and enough signatures were collected to insist on a binding referendum. Supporters of the initiative have suggested that each adult would receive 2,500 francs (a whopping $3755.18 New Zealand dolla