The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Tricia Best: Why Montessori Education May Be The Best Education For Our Children's Future



What do you want for your children? Do you want dynamic, well resourced, impeccably balanced, super-conscious children who are adept at survival at all levels? What do you think is the best system available today for educating and teaching children? I really enjoyed listening to Tricia as she divulged the latest advances in early childhood development in America. As a secondary school science teacher with an understanding of much of the makeup of our world Tricia was always interested in alternatives … One day she visited a school and upon entering – it changed her whole focus. Because, the classroom was literally a quiet hum of activity - where children were totally focussed on their learning experiences.  It was the Montessori Method that made her realise that there most definitely is another way to enhance a child’s existence, where they are fully integrated into life.   Maria Montessori Maria Montessori, born in Italy in 1870 was a physician and an educator - a pioneer for women’s rights as she was an act