The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Liz Gunn and Lisa Er ask why about homelessness, poverty, Witch-hunt Welfare, the banking system, the media and more!



A conversation between two lively caring Kiwi women about the state of our nation. Liz Gunn and Lisa Er took time this week to Korero about the state of the nation and the ways in which New Zealanders can educate ourselves about our country and our world. (A korero is a conversation or a discussion.) Sadly, the wider research on our country’s current poverty and homelessness, on our record suicide numbers, on the widening gap between the haves and the have nots, can have the sense of a litany of failures . There are many reasons to feel discouraged. BYPASS MAINSTREAM MEDIA Yet the freedoms offered by the internet, and online (and radio) discussion, can offer a way through this sense of overwhelm. Lisa and Liz discuss the ways in which to become more informed and to find the courage to question the norms and the prevailing viewpoints often sold to us through media acolytes of the government viewpoint.  From there, it’s rewarding to become actively involved - by each of us making our own contributions, in our o