The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

John Eisen, Katherine Smith & David Holden: Can NZ be the First Country to become ‘5G Free?'



Last century, NZ became the first major country to become Nuclear Free. Thanks to the work of dedicated activists supported by thousands of ordinary New Zealanders we are still essentially GE & GMO Free today, too. Can we quickly mobilise the populace, especially loving mothers, so as to empower all district councils, towns and cities nationwide to enact laws against the rollout of 5 G wireless networks? The propaganda war is increasing exponentially as financially flush Telcos, like Spark, Vodafone and 2 Degrees - ‘spin’ the benefits of streaming nonstop media to our smartphones and target our unknowing youth. All the while they are saturating the environment and us with intensifying frequencies from ubiquitous cell phone towers…Now they are planning to place new more powerful radiation-emitting “small cells” around 250 metres apart in our cities and towns. Yet, we have not been told of the ‘health benefits' - as there are none! On the contrary, knowledgeable scientists and health professionals have been