The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Jodie Bruning: Independent Researcher of Health, especially Children’s Wellbeing in New Zealand



Jodie is a Trustee for Physicians Scientists for Global Responsibility, an organisation that has been around for about 20 years. Its focus is on independent science information in the public interest, and the public’s right to be independently informed on issues concerning both ecosystem and human health.  Jodie also founded the organisation to draw attention to the problems of inadequate chemical regulation, that currently is too outdated and too dependent on private industry produced science to protect public health. However, she stresses that this interview is not on behalf of PSGR.  This interview reflects her independent research on what is happening in NZ.   The challenges today are how to promote wellbeing in the population and protect NZ's future generations. Though at heart it is very simple – it is about good nutrition, clean food and water, and transparency and accountability in Government. But when you delve into it, it is very complex, because we