The GreenplanetFM Podcast with Tim Lynch

Jana Dixon: The 1080 Fiasco. The Problem is the Solution, with Restorative Ecology



CHEMICAL WEAPONS moved from the battlefield to the farm field after World War II. 1080 is a WMD-Weapon of Mass Destruction! SODIUM FLUOROACETATE: Sodium monofluoroacetate (or fluoroacetate), has the chemical formula FCH2COO-Na+, and is a highly toxic compound primarily used as a pesticide known commercially as Compound 1080. 1080 FLUOROACETATE IS EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS—1080 is classed by the World Health Organisation and the EPA as an extremely hazardous pesticide - CLASS 1A ECOTOXIN POISON. 1080 is a proven endocrine disrupter and impacts upon the body’s major organs. Just one teaspoon could kill 100 people. The only sane and effective method of balancing ecosystems is to use the components of the living system to manage itself!  Because of its isolated location New Zealand is the ideal environment for a countrywide program of RESTORATIVE ECOLOGY to show the world that ecosystem management can ONLY be done by using nature's methods. The Permaculture Principle "The Problem IS the Solution!" points to the fact th