Betfair Trading Community Podcast

182: Bonus Ep (Ryan) The Trifecta of Trading



Observe. A short conversation yesterday with somebody who watches our YouTube... I'll call him the OG - to protect his identity. === OG - 'The strategy you shared on YouTube will never work, it's stupid.' Me: 'Amazing, I am glad you are already smashing it on Betfair.' OG ' I'm not, I have tried loads of different strategies none of them work. I didn't try your strategy but I know it won't work. If you really wanted to help people you'd give them free membership and let them pay you with their results.' === Ahahahahah I have learnt these people who demand 'free membership' are the people who are broke chasing the dream of betfair. WITHOUT ever wanting to put the work in.They do the bare minimum and get all pissy when they try one strategy and it loses. OG had fluttered around like a crazy bee - even if I had of given him free membership he never would have done anything. The OG here always wanted to be a Vampire and suck my time/energy whil