Delight Your Marriage

346-Be Mature (Surrender Your Sexuality to God's Design)



When God said, "Let there be light," something amazing happened.  When I said, "Let there be light," ummm... well... I felt silly and 0 things, amazing or not, happened.   I guess I'm just not God. Which is surprising?    No, it's not.  But, the world thinks we get to decide who God is.  Unfortunately, too many Christians feel that way, too.    It's tragic.  God is not us.  And we don't get to live by feelings.  We don't get to say, "Today I feel x, so it must be true."   A follower of Jesus -- surrendered -- taking up his/her cross -- dying to his/herself -- is not led by his/her feelings.  Feelings of right and wrong... Feelings of attraction or non-attraction (to spouse or many types of others...) Feelings of desire for sexual intimacy... Feelings of pleasure in sex...    Does this mean as a follower of Jesus you have to do things you don't want to do?  ... Ummm... ... Yes.   Does it mean that you have to do what the Bible says? ... Ummm... ... Yes.   Are there things I don't LIKE that the Bible says? Yes.