The Touch Mba Admissions Podcast

#195 Business School Selection Simplified - How to Shortlist MBA Programs You're Excited About and Competitive At



“The most frustrating part I have found is the vast amount of information about schools, applications, and chances that is out there. It’s been hard to sift through all the noise and really figure out what schools are good for you and what your actual chances are.” – Margaret, USA Feel the same way? Trust me, you’re not alone. We’ve helped over 3,500 MBA applicants from 50 countries shortlist MBA programs, and hear comments like this all the time. What if you could figure out MBA programs you’re excited about AND competitive at, that would be a great investment in your future? And do this with the least time and effort? I’m a former MBA Admissions Director who has thought about this problem – how to make school selection easier – for the past 10 years. I’ve also observed where applicants end up applying and attending. Why? So I could cut out any part of the research and selection process that has no utility. In other words, to save you time. I would like to share with you the 4-step method that I believe is m