Spider-man Crawlspace Podcast

Podcast #742-Spider-History: Cult of Love



JR takes us back to 1988 to look at the Cult of Love storyline. Betty Brant gets brainwashed and MJ does a scantily clad cover shoot. It's written by Peter David and penciled by Alex Saviuk. This show covers the following issues: Web of Spider-Man #40 Web of Spider-Man #41 Web of Spider-Man #42 Web of Spider-Man #43 If you would like to see the video recording of this episode click the link below. While you're there be sure to subscribe to the Crawlspace youtube channel.  https://youtu.be/m_RZVEqnBlY Are you a Crawlspace patreon member? Sign up to support the site and get free stuff!  https://www.patreon.com/crawlspace Be sure to visit our main page at: http://www.spidermancrawlspace.com Be sure to follow us on social media Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SpiderManCrawlspace Twitter https://twitter.com/crawlspace101 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/officialcrawlspace/ Youtube https://www.youtube.com/spidermancrawlspace