Coffee Break German

CBG Mag 2.04 | Hansestädte



Welcome to another episode of the Coffee Break German Magazine! This time, our hosts, Mark and Andrea, focus on a text about the Hanse (a trade/military network of cities between the 12th and 17th century) and the Hanseatic cities of Germany. We discuss the cities which were part of the Hanseatic league and how this is celebrated once a year with regional food, medieval costumes, historical guided city tours and more. As always, we pick up on the key grammar and vocabulary points from our text along the way. Words such as unvergleichlich, bekannt sein and Mittelalter are just some of the useful pieces of vocabulary we encounter in this episode.In each episode of this 10-lesson season for intermediate learners you can build your vocabulary, increase your understanding of grammar and learn to use the German language in a more natural way. This series follows on from Seasons 1 and 2 of Coffee Break German.There will be a total of 10 episodes in Season 2 of the Coffee Break German Magazine. If you'd like to benef