Delight Your Marriage

327-"We Fell in Love Again!" - Pastor Bennie's Transformation Story



"I wish I could have done this course before I got married." - Pastor Bennie This is a statement that we commonly hear at DYM. Whether a marriage is good or bad, whether couples have been married many years or few, marriage after marriage has been profoundly impacted through DYM - praise God! In this podcast, Pastor Bennie shares about his personal experience taking Masculinity Reclaimed - DYM's main coursework for husbands. He shares how the course helped him to better understand and love his wife and helps to address heart issues - which is the root of the problem to begin with. Pastor Bennie shares about the "massive" changes that he and other men in the course with him experienced while progressing through the course. You know, I don't know where you are in your marriage right now, but I would want for every marriage out there the great results that SO many couples are experiencing here at DYM! We invite you to consider if this may be the place for you to find breakthrough or even just a brand new level o