Modern Farm Girls Podcast

Alysa Seeland, Founder of Fond Bone Broth



If you’ve been listening for long, then you know I am a big believer in bone broth. From its gut-healing properties to its nutrient-dense profile, bone broth is always something I have around for sipping or adding to recipes.  I’ve been making my own broth for years but as we all know, sometimes it's nice to have some stocked and ready-to-go in the pantry. Ready-made bone broth is also a good option for those of us that are time-strapped or maybe just intimidated by the whole broth-making process. Believe me - we’ve all been there.  My favorite shelf-stable bone broth is Fond and Alysa Seeland, founder, and CEO, is on the show today to talk about her story and why she started Fond Bone Broth. Along with the Fond origin story we also chat about: - The delicious Fond flavors and how they came to be - Fond’s setbacks and growth over the years - Tips and tricks for making broth at home (there’s one that even I didn’t know about) - The outer and inner results from drinking bone broth regularly If you are a bone br