Creative Disturbance

Pawncast N1



 First of all, Welcome to my channel! My intention with this channel is to draw parallels between chess, art and technology. If you have ideas or topics that you would want to hear regarding chess, please do let me know. Let’s get started!       Scot Gresham-Lancaster is a composer, performer, instrument builder, educator and educational technology specialist with over three decades of professional experience. Scott has worked with variety of different artists, one of them being a modernist giant John Cage. John Cage was a close friend of another very influential artist Marcel Duchamp, who was expert in chess. In 1967, Cage came up with the idea of using chess board as medium for live performance. Photoreceptors on the board would translate signals into the sound, so artist were composing music while playing chess. At 50years anniversary of the original piece, Scott reinvented ‘’Reunion’’ to perform at 9evenings Art exhibition in Seattle. Astrophysicist and head of ArtScienceLab Roger Malina and Neuroscientis