

This is session number 123 of the Absolute Mind podcast and this show is all about quitting smoking using hypnosis. Using hypnosis to quit smoking is probably the 2nd most popular reason people enquire for 1-2-1 sessions. In the past 20 years people all over the world have quit their lifelong smoking habit in only a few short hypnosis sessions. The results can seen very miraculous. But, there needs to be a strong desire to quit before you look to hypnosis as a real solution. Its there to offer you help and assistance and not "make you quit." So, desire is the key, hypnosis is a tool to help you on your way. There are several main reasons people decide to quit smoking. And as you may expect, there is a common theme. The main reasons to become a non-smoker are as follows: Health - the science is clear now. Smoking is super bad for our health. In the very early days of cigarettes. Smoking was shown to be sexy, smart, and even beneficial to our health. Damn those marketeers. Lol. Money - 10, 20 and even 40 per d