

This is session number 124 of the Absolute Mind podcast and this show is all about being lazy. This is something we can all feel like from time to time. But, for those of us who have this in a bad way. Life is hard. Where to start with Laziness. The first thing is first. You get what you expect. If you think you are lazy, then, ta daa. you will be. It's impossible to hold a belief about yourself about being lazy, only to find you start to get more things done. We're not wired that way. Your expectation creates your reality. So, in order for you to get past this, you have to give yourself a way out. This isn't talking positively to yourself, it isn't about positive affirmations. You're too clever for that the other voices will kick in and bring you right back down to level ground, quicker that you can say, "lazy butt". It's about reasons and changes. These can and will act as a placebo. You see, if you decide as of Monday (all new things start on a Monday). That you will start to drink 2L of water per day, bec