

This is episode 148 of the Absolute Mind podcasts and today I am covering mentally preparing for weight loss.  Please do bear in mind that we have created this podcast to be of some insight and some sort of assistance but by no means a way to treat conditions on their own. If you do have any deep-rooted conditions or ailments that you'd like some assistance with on a one-to-one professional approach, then please feel free to contact either myself or Michael on Facebook or directly through the website and we can arrange sessions that way or via Skype, whatever suits. Ok so mentally preparing for weight loss! I have decided to cover this topic because its something that I have struggled with in the past and having spent year after year on faddy diets and doubting myself or hating myself because I "couldn't" lose weight.  It's only now after losing weight and keeping it off and understanding more on nutrition that I can look back and see that although I thought I w