EOFire | Daily chats with Entrepreneurs On Fire

Go from singledom to a fulfilling relationship and from heartbreak to happiness with Suzie Parkus



Suzie is a well known award nominated dating coach from London. She specializes in helping singles get their lives back on track in order to go from singledom to a fulfilling relationship and from heartbreak to happiness. She works with both men and women of all ages around the world who are either single, in a relationship, divorced or widowed. Sponsors: DesignCrowd: Post your design project on DesignCrowd today and get a special $100 VIP offer! Visit DesignCrowd.com/fire and enter the discount code FIRE when posting your project! SquareSpace: A simple way to create your next landing page, gallery, online store, or blog. Start your free trial today and get 10% off your first purchase when you enter offer code FIRE!