EOFire | Daily chats with Entrepreneurs On Fire

Chet Holmes' daughter steps up to the plate and IGNITES! with Amanda Holmes



Amanda is CEO of Chet Holmes International, a company which has assisted over 200,000 businesses over the last 25 years. She inherited the business after her father unexpectedly passed away. With her only background as a singer she stepped into CEO at 26 yrs old and has since doubled CHI’s clients the last 2 years in a row. Sponsors: ZipRecruiter: Looking for quality candidates to help you grow your business? Find out today why ZipRecruiter has been used by over 1 million businesses (including EOFire)! DesignCrowd: Post your design project on DesignCrowd today and get a special $100 VIP offer! Visit DesignCrowd.com/fire and enter the discount code FIRE when posting your project!