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How to take your work experience and create a startup with Stephen Kane



Stephen Kane is Founder and CEO of ArbiClaims,  an online dispute resolution platform. ArbiClaims uses court enforceable, binding arbitration and other online tools to resolve disputes under $10,000 via 10-to-30 minute webcam hearings. Stephen is a start up and small business attorney by background. And was one of Lex Machina's first sales hires before they sold to Lexis Nexis. Sponsors: Host Gator: With HostGator, having a website is easy AND affordable. Visit HostGator.com/fire for 60% off today! ​Caliper: ​Assess your team today – FOR FREE – and you’ll discover what makes each person tick and how to improve the performance of your team. They’ll also give you an hour of free consulting! Visit Caliper​C​orp​.​com​/​fire