EOFire | Daily chats with Entrepreneurs On Fire

Champions To Women, Heroes To Children and Brothers To Each Other With Dwayne Klassen



Dwayne is known as THE Coach For Men. He's also the founder of The Remarkable Man Project - A global initiative to challenge 1 million men to step up their game and be champions to women, heroes to children and brothers to each other. Sponsors: Allstate: Be more than just an agent. Be an Allstate Agency Owner and earn equity in the business you build! Visit AllstateAgent.com/eofire to learn more about owning an Allstate Agency. Subject to the terms of the agency agreements. ConsultX: An online, cloud-based application that has all the training you need to become a successful business consultant taught by experts who have been in the profession for over a decade! Start your free 14-day trial today by visiting Consultx.com/fire and clicking the “free trial” tab at the top of the website - no credit card required!