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Happiness and Money: What the Research REALLY Shows.



Happiness. It's what so many of us yearn for. We think it's the center of a good life. And, even though, we're often told otherwise, we believe happiness can be bought, a least a certain amount of happiness.So, what is the truth? What does the research show? Can money buy you happiness? Can it buy you a good life?The answer, it turns out, may surprise you. Today's audio deep-dive is all about happiness, money and life well-lived. And, rather than talking in generalities, we're heading straight into the rich body of research that shows us the truth. We're vaulting past all the happiness and self-help platitudes, the things we wish were truth, and diving into the actual science of happiness, money and the good life.And, you might want to hold onto your seat, because some illusions are about to be shattered. We're doing a bunch of myth-busting and proverb-smashing. Money, it turns out, may well matter more than you think when it comes to happiness, and in ways you didn't realize. Moving beyond money, happiness a