Gmb Fitness Show - Physical Autonomy

The “Hell Yes” Method Applied to Training and Life



Every one of us is faced with numerous decisions each day. Some of them are not optional; everyone has to do laundry, for example. Many of the choices we make could just as easily be made another way, though. What do you want to wear today? Should you brush your teeth or shower first? Should you plan on going out for drinks after work? Making all of these decisions on a day-to-day basis can be stressful, even though the decisions themselves small. In today’s podcast, Andy and Ryan are discussing how you can make a mental model, or a new way of framing thoughts, that will allow you to make decisions automatically. We call it the “hell yeah!” method, and as Andy says, it’s “one of the most freeing and liberating concepts I’ve ever run across in my life.” The basic premise is to choose to do only what makes you excited and happy, rather than basing decision on what others think you should be doing. In this episode, you’ll learn: How using the “hell yeah” method can help you say no without feeling guilty. How